Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute

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FET_Language Across the Curriculum

23 July 2024 - 8 August 2024
This course is for:
Grade 10 - 12 Principal, Deputy Principal, Departmental Head, Teacher, Novice Teacher
Applicants must teach in:
FET Phase (Grades 10-12)
General Requirements:
Participants must have access to a computer/laptop with a reliable internet /Wi-Fi connection.
About this Course

This online course is for ALL subject teachers in the FET phase. 


"Cheryl is a dedicated FET teacher.  She enjoys bringing the real world into her classroom as she guides her students to discover and understand the content.  However, year-on-year, she has to re-teach the concepts related to her subject. When introducing new case studies, she recognises that her students struggle to understand the text. However, Cheryl finds that her biggest challenge is how her students write.  "Why do the learners not remember their concepts from last year, and why do they struggle to communicate clearly?" she thinks." 

Do you identify with this situation? Have you ever felt the same frustration? This course introduces Language across the Curriculum (LAC) and will provide practical ways to incorporate LAC into your teaching practice.  These strategies are not added to your current content but should be integrated into the design of the learning journey.  You will strengthen your student's learning process if you use LAC intentionally.  

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

1. explain what Language across the curriculum  (LAC) is and the language pillars (knowledge acquisition)

2. design and intentionally build LAC activities into your lessons (habits) and

3. apply LAC text-based teaching strategies for listening, speaking, reading, viewing, writing, presenting and language structures and conventions (behaviour).

Participants who succesfully complete all course Assessments, including the Pre- and Post tests will receive a CTLI Certificate of Completion.


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Gaironesa Daniels