Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute

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2024 FET_ How to teach Reading for Meaning in the FET Phase

16 August 2024 - 4 September 2024
This course is for:
Grade 10 - 12 Principal, Deputy Principal, Departmental Head, Teacher, Novice Teacher
Applicants must teach in:
FET Phase (Grades 10-12)
About this Course

Course overview

The course "Teaching Reading for Meaning in the FET Phase" is designed to equip FET (Further Education and Training) language teachers with the essential strategies and techniques to effectively teach reading comprehension skills to their students. In the FET phase, students are at a critical juncture in their educational journey, where the ability to comprehend and analyze complex texts is paramount for success across various subjects.

Participants will gain insights into the importance of activating prior knowledge, making connections, and employing critical thinking skills to extract meaning from texts.

Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on practical strategies for scaffolding reading instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners in the FET phase. Teachers will learn how to select appropriate texts, design engaging pre-reading activities, and facilitate comprehension through guided reading, questioning techniques, and collaborative discussions.

Modules will focus on pre-reading, during-reading and post-reading. 

The key takeaways are that prior knowledge should be activated through strategies like anticipation guides and discussions, asking questions before, during, and after reading enhances understanding and critical thinking, making connections to personal experiences and the world helps with comprehension, and visualising the text helps create engagement and personal connections. ​

Course objectives
  1. Develop reading for meaning skills through classwork activities;

  2. Develop reading for meaning skills for assessment activities;

  3. Strategies to achieve the above.

The course is fully online and will be presented on the Moodle platform.

The course includes a compulsory Pre- and Post Assessment. Participants who complete both assessmensts as well as the activities built into the course will receive a CTLI Certificate of Completion.

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Gaironesa Daniels