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IE_ Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Mode: This 10-day Face-to-Face course will be delivered in English
What is inclusive education and what does it mean for teachers?
In essence, INCLUSIVE EDUCATION refers to a school system that is a reflection of society. It is essential that learners with differing abilities should be included in our classrooms. Segregation in any form is strongly discouraged and diversity is embraced.
This course has been designed to provide a holistic approach, ensuring you are well-versed in understanding the impact of Austism Spectrum Disorder and how to accomodate learners with Autsim.
Lesson contents:
- Defining and unpacking ASD Diagnosis.
- Causes of ASD.
- Levels of support.
- Language ,Communication and Speech.
- Restrictive and repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests.
- Sensory classes and Sensory development
- Impact of Autism.
- How to develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP).
- Structured teaching.
- Alternative and Augumentative Communication (AAC)
- Prompting, Task-Analysis and modelling.
- Functional Behavioural Assessment (ABC).
- Low-arousal techniques.
- Social Story development.
- Understanding the WCED referral process.
Additionally, the course provides a variety of interactive activities for teachers, including the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and support material.