Applications are no longer being accepted for this course
IE: F2F_Barriers in Mathematics: Measurement
Mode: This course will be delivered in English but supported in isiXhosa and Afrikaans.
What is inclusive education and what does it mean for teachers?
In essence, inclusive education refers to a school system that is a reflection of society. It is essential that learners with differing abilities should be included in our classrooms. Segregation in any form is strongly discouraged and diversity is embraced.
Teachers are tasked to deliver the curriculum at a specific pace and level, but not all learners are able to progress at the required rate. This scenario poses a challenge, and teachers often lack the skills to assist those learners with barriers to learning
This course has been designed to provide a holistic approach, ensuring you are well-versed in understanding the impact of barriers to learning from policy to practical scaffolding and differentiation.
Comprehensive understanding of Barriers to learning and related policies.
Learning styles and theories
Introduction to measurement
Measuring length and mass
Measuring capacity and volume
Measuring area and perimeter
Measuring time
Practical - Project-Based assessment
Assessing and supporting barriers
Additionally, the course provides a variety of interactive activities for teachers, including the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and support material, to provide the appropriate intervention for learners with barriers in learning Mathematics.
Additional to these lessons are an e-Book and access to EDULIS Services.
Further detail will be provided with confirmation of participation.